The Satellite Palace Hotel means to offer to You the change of discovering all of this and, furthemore, granding You a stay worthy of the best tradition. Our hospitality is based upon the principle of the utmost care for the Hotel's Guest. The qualified service and the friendly welcome of our staff, the well renowned "cuisine", are just some of the surprises which will make Your "roman holiday" unforgettable. As you enter in the Satellite Palace Hotel, You immediately get the sensation of discovering an atmosphere of elegance and tranquillity where you can totally relax allowing our staff to gratefully take care of You. A special care for details, the choice of the best materials and an accurate service, is simply the way we do want Your stay to be the must enjoyable one. In the Hotel's boutique, You will find many ideas for Your small shopping, for a gift or a simply for a souvenir. The hotel offers: 260 rooms, outdoor swimming pool, American Bar, Boutique, Discoteque, very good parking facilities and private garage, 3 restaurants, 5 Meeting Halls, Shuttle service running, accurate service.