In Aparthotel City Senator Guests can make use of the hotel’s Personal Touch policy, for those with business needs, a printer, scanner and photocopier service are available. * After a breakfast, guests of the Aparthotel City Senator can catch up with the news via newspapers in the lobby, check their email in the complimentary Internet access area, or ask the hotel concierge for any sightseeing assistance. For those with business needs, a printer, scanner and photocopier services are available. Guests can also take advantage of the hotel’s Personal Touch service, providing each apartment with secretarial, steward, and room services. * The Aparthotel City Senator, Barcelona, features 17 guestrooms, all of which include separate kitchens, living rooms, and Internet connections. Modern high-rise hotel situated on the Via Augusta in the city center, one and a half kilometers from Las Ramblas. A great choice... * Las Ramblas – 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) * Plaza de Catalunya – 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) * La Seu Cathedral – 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) * Museum of Modern Art – 3 kilometers (2 miles) * Picasso Museum – 3 kilometers (2 miles) * Barcelona train station – 3 kilometers (2 miles) * Piazza de Juan Carlos – 5 kilometers (3 miles) * Sagrada Familia – 5 kilometers (3 miles) * Port – 6.5 kilometers (4 miles) * Columbus Monument – 6.5 kilometers (4 miles)